So, another Black Friday has come and gone. I survived it because I dared not go anywhere. Sadly, there are a few people that were not so lucky. One Wal-Mart employee in New York was trampled to death. Really? Is this what the Christmas spirit is all about? That's the irony of the situation. Black Friday is a day of sales for people to buy Christmas gifts at a discounted price. Well, Christmas is about giving and caring and all that good stuff. You love little Susie or Billy so much that you will do anything to get that Barbie or Transformer that they really, really, really, really want for Christmas. But in the process of doing this thing out of love, you trample a poor defenseless little Wal-Mart employee to death?!? Holy crap people! No words can describe how ridiculous this is. No sale is so good that you have kill someone for it....or even just put someone in a hospital for that matter. Yeah, that's right....on top of the death, there were also several people hospitalized. One was a lady that was 8 months pregnant. I know, she needs to have her head examined also for even going out on Black Friday while 8 months pregnant, but that's beside the point.
And in another story across the continent in sunny California, there was an incident in a Toys 'R' Us. Two women get into a fight, and their husbands/boyfriends/whatever end up shooting each other to death. They are saying this argument had nothing to do with Black Friday. I really don't even know what to think about that. So, we are supposed to believe that two couples go to Toys 'R' Us on Black Friday, and just get into an everyday oridnary argument? Well, I guess not totally ordinary since the guys both ended up in the morgue. Anyway, regardless of what the argument was about, who the hell takes a gun to a toy store? Most of the people there just want to buy toys for their kids, and all of a sudden gunfire ensues. God bless the U. S. of frickin' A.
I guess this is why it is called Black Friday.
Anywho, until next time, take cover!!!