So, the day has finally come.....11/4/08. Election day, the day we get to see who is finally gonna boot the 'ol Dubya out of office. I, for one, am glad that this day is here cause I am about going crazy from all these stupid political ads. I voted last Monday, so I'm ready for it to be over.
One thing that came of all this was an idea that popped up in conversation a couple days ago. Why do they spend all this money on advertising? I mean all those millions of dollars, just for some tv time? I'm told that it's been proven that negative campaigning works....hence all the crap McCain has been putting on air. (Not saying Obama has never been negative, but you gotta admit that McCain's ads are almost 100% so). Now, my question is, how does this work? I have NEVER met anyone who wants to see negative ads. WTF?
I think if, out of the two candidates, one of them were to take ALL their campaign money and put it towards the economy (or whatever else they want to fix while in office), instead of putting out television ads, I would likely vote for that guy straight up. You know, action instead of talk. But that's just me. To tell the truth, the last couple elections I didn't even vote. (Yeah, I said it). And the ads were partly responsible for that. I saw them everywhere and got so sick of them that I tuned everything out.
I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. Just random, go vote! Or don't....whatever.
Until next time, God bless the U.S. of A.
Well, it works because people listen. I know people who eat up the negative ads and believe every word that McCain said. These same people believe Obama is a Muslin, the anit-christ, and was born in a different country. It's unfortunate, but true.